This dataset contains land use classes for land parcels in San Francisco. 1) The parcel footprints, represented as shapefiles, were downloaded from DataSF: 2) Each parcel is assigned a land use class. See the set of land use classes in the file LandUseClasses.txt. These land use classes were assigned based on data from four sources: Google Places points of interest (POIs), Bing Maps POIs, OpenStreetMap, and the Yellow Pages. 3) contains the actual data: a) There are two folders in this zip file, "/shp_files" and "/dbf_files", which include .shp files and .dbf files. b) To open the .shp files in the folder "/shp_files", you can use ArcMap, QGIS, or any other GIS software that supports .shp files. --"landuse_sf_coarse.shp" is the footprint .shp file for San Francisco City with six coarse-level land use class assignments. --"landuse_sf_google1.shp" is the footprint .shp file for San Francisco City with fine-level land use class assignments using the Google POIs. c) To use the .dbf files in the folder "/dbf_files", a footprint .shp file is needed. You can either use "landuse_sf_coarse.shp" or "landuse_sf_google1.shp" as a base footprint mapping .shp file. Each .dbf file includes a corresponding object ID that can be linked to the aforementioned base .shp file where the same object ids are located. ArcMap provides the tools to map link the attribute tables to the .shp objects. We recommend using ArcMap to open these files. d) Under the folder "dbf_files", there are 4 subfolders containing the class .dbf files derived from different data sources. "bing_landuse_dbf" has .dbf files derived from Bing Maps POIs, "google_landuse_dbf" has .dbf files derived from Google Places, "osm_landuse_dbf" has .dbf files derived from OpenStreetMap points and polygons, and "yp_landuse_dbf" has .dbf files derived from the Yellow Pages.